Monday, December 8, 2008

Gingerbread House

Play Gingerbread House Gingerbread House

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A great Christmas weekend.

The weekend started off Friday night going to see the lights at Thanksgiving Point. We came back and had some apple cider that had been simmering for several hours...yum..yum...
Saturday morning we did a little shopping...then we went up to Gardner Villiage and bought our kids there Christmas ornament this year. We started this tradition last year. Each year they get an ornament that represents something about each one of them. This year was Braydens first year in they actually had an ornament of a boy dressed up in a scout uniform...perfect. This has been the year that Chad has been into the cartoon Tom & Jerry. He would watch it 24/7 if I would let him. So, Hallmark happened to have a Tom & Jerry ornament...perfect.
MaKayla learned to to a lot this past year, crawl, walk, talk. But I couldn't find an ornament that represented any of that. I did find her an ornament that has a little girl her age, kneeling & praying holding her blankee. So, since Kayla did learn to pray this year, I thought this ornament would be perfect for her.
We did a little more shopping and then that night we went to a live Nativity in Alpine. It was amazing! Both boys came back and said it was awesome! We parked at a church and they picked us up and took us on a hay ride up to a field. We were met by a shephard who explained a little to us. Then we were to follow the lights up the hill and entered in to a huge barn.......

There was a camel to pet and sheep to see....

Then it was as if we were traveling in the city of Bethlehem, and we passed by each one of them. They were each doing different things...making clay pots, baking bread, weaving baskets etc.......

They had goats to pet, and we got to see Joseph and Mary's Donkey

We left that barn and followed the lights to the heated barn. Above this barn is a light (I know it's hard to see) but they had trumpets and other musical instruments playing Christmas music. They even had a real baby.

After you left that barn they had free hot chocolate and heaters we could all stand around to keep warm while drinking the hot chocolate. They even had a roman soilder trotting around on his horse.

The picture at the end is of Kayla right before the hayride back to our you can see she was really scared!

This was a night that will always be remembered. I love this time of year.
On Sunday the kids decorated a ginger bread house...Kayla kept sneaking candy from the boys and eating it as fast as she could. (No picture, my bad).