Monday, October 13, 2008

Tagged again...

This one is all about my husband:

1. Where did you and your husband meet? Country Dancing, although he doesn't like to admit it.

2. How long did you date before you were married? We met July 24th, but didn't really start dating until Sept...were engaged in Feb....and married in May.

3. How long have you been married? 11 1/2 years

4. What is his favorite feature? I like it when he smiles and his dimples pop. If we are having family pictures, I always tell him to "smile, and show your dimples".

5. What is his favorite quality? He is a hard worker. From the very beginning when we were dating I knew he was the kind of guy that would set a goal and accomplish it. He is also good and making people laugh.

6. Does he have a nickname for you? ...My Lover...

7. What is his favorite sport? Running...and now it is running, biking, swimming.

8. When and where was your first kiss? My apartment on the couch.

9. What is our favorite thing to do as a couple? Going out to eat (which doesn't happen very often when we have to find a babysitter). As long as we are together that's all that matters...(man, that was cheesy).

10. What is his favorite food? He likes to try chicken fried chicken at many restaurants, or steak, or salmon.

11. Do we have any children? Yes, 3

12. Does he have any hidden talents? He made our log bed, he made Brayden a log bed and is currently making Chads log bed.

13. How old is he? 35

14. Who said I love you first? He did.

15. What is his favorite music? Classic Rock

16. What do I admire most about him? He is dedicated and has lots of determination. You have to in order to run 8 marathon's and a triathlon. I love the way he gets down and wrestles with the boys, but is soft and delicate with MaKayla. I love how he treats the elderly, and special needs kids.

17. What is his favorite color? Blue

18. Will he read this? Yes...well, I will read it to him as he stands by me.

19. Who do I tag? Who ever reads this!


Tai Christensen said...

That was fun to read! Its very obvious you L-O-V-E Jem! I love that you guys met country dancing, I have a hard time imagining Jem dancing!!!

Camp Chris said... cute!!!