Thursday, November 13, 2008

Three Cute Cowboys

Chad and his friends, love riding their bikes and scooters back and forth to each others homes. Rain or no rain, it doesn't matter. They looked so cute in their cowboy hats, I had to take a picture!


Melanie said...

My boys LOVE Chad. They were arguing the other day about who's friend he was "He's MY friend" - "He's my friend, too!"

PS. Love your blog background ;) Still no luck, huh?

ranae said...

Nope, so if anyone who might read this and knows a lot about HTML codes and would love to help me change my background, because it is stuck and I can't get rid of it, I will personally make you a batch of cookies!!
Melanie, your batch will be coming soon for trying to help!

Tai Christensen said...

Your new pics are SOOOO cute!!!!

Jennettehogan said...

I LOOOOVE that family picture you have on the top of this page. SOOOOO cute

Jen and Eric said...

I should have guessed that your kids would be cowboys. Cute pic!